Hello, I am Wokki

I am a full stack developer with versatile technology skills. I have worked mostly in JavaScript, PHP, Nuxt, React and NodeJS projects with general databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
I am currently working as a Software Developer at Linear Oy.
Here are some projects I have worked on

Wokin Pizza
A website for unique and interesting pizzas that you should not try
astro frameworktailwindtypescriptcloudflare

A service reservation system
sailsjspostgresqljavascriptnodejsawsnexmomailgungoogle apicheckout api

My education
Hämeen Ammattikorkeakoulu
Information and communication technologies
Ammattiopisto Keuda Nurmijärvi
Bachelor's degree in audiovisual communication
Primary School
My work experience
Linear Oy
Software Developer at Linear Oy
Software Developer at Aptual Commerce Oy
Onnexi Oy
Full-Stack web development for Onnexi Oy as a light entrepreneur
7 month internship at CKV.fi
Ohjelmistotalo Koodiavain
3 month internship at Ohjelmistotalo Koodiavain